Confirmed list of classes summer 2024


Heptathlon Events

Novice Classes

Members-Only Class

Additional or different prize money and/or points. (See PDF version)


To celebrate the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics we will be awarding medals for the BGS Heptathlon.
• There will be one qualifying event per section, seven in total.
• Medals will be awarded for the three highest points totals accumulated across the seven events.
• You do not have to enter all seven events to compete for the medals.

Section Class
Floral Arrangement GOING FOR GOLD
Photography ILLUMINATE

Floral ArrangementGOING FOR GOLD

Vegetable Section

No. Section Description Additional information Points
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) Prizes
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
1 Vegetable COLLECTION OF VEGETABLES — Exhibitor’s choice of six kinds of vegetables, salad and/or fruit. Space allowed: 90cm frontage. Points: 10, 6, 2 (Double Place Points)
Prizes: £15, £10, £5
2 Vegetable SALAD BOWL — Exhibitor’s choice of at least five kinds of salad vegetables. Displayed in a basket, trug or box.
Points: 10, 6, 2 (Double Place Points)
Prizes: £5, £3, £2

3 Vegetable HEPTATHLON EVENT: RATATOUILLE — Exhibitor’s choice of at least five kinds of ‘Mediterranean’ vegetables and/or herbs. For example, tomatoes, onions, garlic, courgettes, aubergines, peppers, chillies, marjoram, fennel, basil, bay or thyme. Displayed in a basket, trug or box.
Points: 10, 6, 2 (Double Place Points)
Prizes: £5, £3, £2

4 Vegetable NOVICE GROWER: TRUG OF VEGETABLES — Exhibitor’s choice of at least five kinds of vegetables, salad and/or fruit. Displayed in a basket, trug or box. Novice Class: Grown by an exhibitor who has never been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Vegetable Section at a BGS Show.
Points: 10, 6, 2 (Double Place Points)
Prizes: £10, £6, £4

5 Vegetable POTATOES, WHITE — 4 of one cultivar. Displayed on a plate.
6 Vegetable POTATOES, COLOURED — 4 of one cultivar. Displayed on a plate.
7 Vegetable CARROTS, STUMP-ROOTED — 3 of one cultivar. Tops trimmed to 7.5cm.
8 Vegetable CARROTS, LONG-POINTED — 3 of one cultivar. Tops trimmed to 7.5cm.
9 Vegetable BEETROOT — 3 of one cultivar. Tops trimmed to 7.5cm. Displayed on a plate.
10 Vegetable ONIONS, GROWN FROM SEEDS or SETS — 3 of one cultivar, grown from seeds or from sets.
11 Vegetable ESCHALOTS, PICKLING or CULINARY — 9 of one cultivar. Necks should be neatly tied. Displayed in a shallow dish of sand or similar.
12 Vegetable BEANS, RUNNER — 9 bean pods of one cultivar.
13 Vegetable BEANS: FRENCH, CLIMBING or DWARF — 9 bean pods of one cultivar.
14 Vegetable PEAS — 6 pods of one cultivar.

15 Vegetable MEMBERS-ONLY CLASS: BREAM BLACK PEAS — 6 pods. Members-Only Class: Grown by a member of Bream Gardening Society.

16 Vegetable MARROWS — 2 of one cultivar.
17 Vegetable COURGETTES — 2 of one cultivar.
18 Vegetable CUCUMBERS — 2 of one cultivar.
19 Vegetable PEPPERS, HOT (CHILLI) or SWEET — 4 chillies of one cultivar or 2 sweet peppers of one cultivar.
20 Vegetable TOMATOES — 6 of one cultivar, larger than 3.5cm in diameter. Displayed on a plate.
21 Vegetable TOMATOES, TRUSS — Stalk of cherry-type tomatoes, not exceeding 3.5cm in diameter.
22 Vegetable LETTUCE — 1 of any type.
23 Vegetable SOFT FRUIT — 12 berries of one cultivar, or 5 strigs of currants of one cultivar, or 1 bunch of grapes. Displayed with stalks/calyces where appropriate. Displayed on a plate or shallow dish.
24 Vegetable STONE FRUIT — 3 of one cultivar.
25 Vegetable FRUIT or VEGETABLE NOT IN SCHEDULE — Any kind of fruit or vegetable not in schedule. Consult the Show Secretary for the number of specimens required for each kind. Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different kind of fruit or vegetable.
27 Vegetable HEAVIEST CABBAGE — Stem no longer than 10cm.
28 Vegetable NOT WHAT I EXPECTED! — Any misshapen fruit or vegetable.
29 Vegetable GARDEN COMPOST — To be presented in the container provided (volume ~500ml). Composting method to be listed on the card provided for the benefit of visitors only.

Floral Section

No. Section Description Additional information Points
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) Prizes
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
30 Floral ROSE, LARGE-FLOWERED — 1 specimen bloom.
31 Floral ROSE, CLUSTER-FLOWERED — Any cluster-flowered rose: grandiflora, floribunda or polyantha. 1 stem of two or more blooms.
32 Floral VASE OF 3 LARGE-FLOWERED ROSES — 3 blooms of one cultivar: 1 in the bud stage, 1 in the perfect stage, and 1 in the full bloom stage.
33 Floral SWEET PEAS — 6 stems of one or more cultivars.
34 Floral MARIGOLDS — 3 stems of Calendula officinalis (pot marigold). Not Tagetes patula (French marigold).
35 Floral DAHLIAS — 3 blooms of one or more types: single-flowered, anemone, collerette, waterlily, decorative, ball, pompom, cactus, semi-cactus, miscellaneous, fimbriated, star, double orchid, paeony, or stellar. Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different dahlia type.
36 Floral GLADIOLUS — 1 flower spike. Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different cultivar.
37 Floral SUNFLOWER — 1 single bloom or multi-flowered stem. Entry fee will be donated to the charity ‘Sunflower of Peace’. 5, 3, 1 Rosettes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
38 Floral DELPHINIUMS — 3 flower spikes.
39 Floral PENSTEMONS — 3 flower spikes.
40 Floral FLOWER NOT IN SCHEDULE — 1 single bloom or multi-flowered stem.
41 Floral SET OF FLOWERS NOT IN SCHEDULE — 3 blooms or multi-flowered stems of one cultivar.
42 Floral MIXED VASE OF CUT FLOWERS — Vase of flowers of one or more kinds, for all round effect. If a single kind is shown, a minimum of three different cultivars is required. Flowers may be annuals, biennials, herbaceous perennials, flowering shrubs and/or flowering trees.
(Double Place Points)
43 Floral VASE OF FOLIAGE — Vase of non-flowering plant material of one or more kinds, for all-round effect. If a single kind is shown, a minimum of three different cultivars is required. May include fruits and seed heads.
44 Floral FUCHSIA — 1 pot-grown of any type, size and shape: single, double or semi-double flowered. Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different fuchsia type.
45 Floral PELARGONIUM (also known as GERANIUM) — 1 pot-grown of any type and size: zonal, ivy-leaved, fancy-leaved, regal, scented-leaved, angel, decorative, stellar or unique. Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different pelargonium type.
46 Floral FOLIAGE POT PLANT — 1 pot-grown plant without flowers of any size. Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different kind of foliage pot plant.
47 Floral FLOWERING POT PLANT — 1 pot-grown plant with flowers of any kind not in schedule and of any size. Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different kind of flowering pot plant.
48 Floral BLOOMS ON A BOARD — At least 4 blooms of one cultivar, displayed on a board. The stems may be in water if required.
49 Floral FLOATING FLOWER HEADS — 1 bowl of floating flower heads of one or more kinds. Bowl not to exceed 30cm diameter. 5, 3, 1 £2, £1.50, £1

50 Floral HEPTATHLON EVENT: BOUQUET GARNI, A COLLECTION OF HERBS — Foliage from four distinct kinds of herbs. Any herbs are allowed – they don’t have to be French! Displayed in water in a labelled jar. Common names are sufficient.

51 Floral COLLECTION OF EDIBLE FLOWERS — Flowering stems from at least three distinct kinds of edible flowers. May include ‘weeds’ as well as cultivated flowers. Displayed in water in a labelled jar. Common names are sufficient.

Floral Arrangement Section

No. Section Description Additional information Points
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) Prizes
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
52 Floral arrangement ALL ON A SUMMER’S DAY — A seasonal exhibit, featuring predominantly garden plant materials. Front-facing, staged in an alcove. Height of the design may extend beyond the alcove for good use of proportion. Alcove size: 76cm x 76cm, height 64cm.
53 Floral arrangement INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE — An exhibit in Steam Punk style. Front-facing, staged in an alcove. Height of the design may extend beyond the alcove for good use of proportion. Alcove size: 76cm x 76cm, height 64cm.
54 Floral arrangement REFLECTIONS — A contemporary exhibit featuring blue and white plant materials and reflective elements. Staged within an alcove. No plastic floral foam (Oasis) allowed. Alcove size: 76 x 76cm, height 64cm. 5, 3, 1 £5, £3, £2

55 Floral arrangement HEPTATHLON EVENT: GOING FOR GOLD — An all round exhibit featuring any aspect of the Summer Olympics and/or Paralympics in Paris. Viewed and judged all round. Space allowed: 50cm diameter, height optional.

56 Floral arrangement A FLORAL COCKTAIL — A petite exhibit, staged in a drinking glass. Viewed and judged all round. Space allowed: 25cm x 25cm, height 37cm.

57 Floral arrangement NOVICE ARRANGER: POP ART — An exhibit in a clear glass vase (or vases) of simple geometric shape (for example, cube, sphere, cylinder) featuring plant materials and creating an explosion of colour and form. Viewed and judged all round. No plastic floral foam (Oasis) allowed. Space allowed: 38cm diameter, height optional. Novice Class: Presented by an exhibitor who has never been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Floral Arrangement Section at a BGS Show.

Handicraft Section

No. Section Description Additional information Points
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) Prizes
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
58 Handicraft KNITTING, FLORAL — Any hand-knitted item with a floral theme or design. For example, knitted flowers, an item that showcases flower-stitches, or an item with a floral colourwork design.

59 Handicraft HEPTATHLON EVENT: CROCHET, BERET — A hand-crocheted béret.

60 Handicraft NEEDLECRAFT, FLORAL — Any item of needlecraft with a floral theme or design. Made using any hand-stitched technique. For example, cross stitch, embroidery, tapestry or ribbon embroidery. Your entry may be framed but not glazed.
61 Handicraft THE GREAT BREAM SEWING BEE — A summer garment, for an adult or child, made from two repurposed pillowcases. Some additional embellishments may be added but the two pillowcases must form the basis or your garment. Hand or machine stitched.
62 Handicraft QUILTING, STAINED GLASS — Any item of patchwork or appliqué that uses fabric strips to replicate the effect of leading in stained-glass windows. Hand or machine stitched.
63 Handicraft ANY OTHER SOFT CRAFT — Any other item made using a soft craft technique.
For example, wet felting, needle felting, macramé, machine embroidery, weaving, lacemaking or tatting. Items of knitting, crochet, needlecraft, sewing or quilting which are eligible for classes 58 – 62 and 72 may not be entered in this class. Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be made using a different soft craft technique.
64 Handicraft DRAWING AND/OR PAINTING — A two-dimensional drawing and/or painting created in any medium. For example, pencil, charcoal, ink, pencil crayon, pastel, oil paint, gouache, acrylic paint or water colour paint. Modest mount and/or frame allowed.
65 Handicraft ARTWORK — A two-dimensional artwork exhibit created in any medium not covered by class 64. For example, print, collage, mixed-media, cyanotype or printed digital art. Modest mount and/or frame permitted. List the main techniques used next to your piece.
66 Handicraft ONE PIECE STICK — A one piece walking stick made from a single piece of wood, made entirely by the entrant. A rack for displaying the sticks will be provided. Additional entries allowed at 50p each.
67 Handicraft TWO PIECE STICK — A two piece walking stick made from a separate wooden stick shaft and a handle joined together. The handle should be made from wood or other natural material. Both the stick shaft and handle should be made entirely by the entrant. A rack for displaying the sticks will be provided. Additional entries allowed at 50p each.
68 Handicraft PAPERCRAFT, FLORAL — Any item of papercraft with a floral theme. For example, quilling, parchment craft, origami, découpage, or paper engineering.
69 Handicraft HARD CRAFT, FLORAL — Any item of hard craft with a floral theme. For example, ceramics, modelling clay, beadwork, enamelling, glasswork, woodwork or metalwork. You may enter sugar paste flowers in this class.
70 Handicraft ANY OTHER HARD CRAFT OR PAPERCRAFT — Any other item of hard craft or papercraft. Items which are eligible for classes 66 – 69 may not be entered in this class. Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be made using a different hard craft technique.
71 Handicraft DECORATIVE FLOWERPOT — A flowerpot, made from any material and decorated in any style. Maximum diameter 22cm. On the title card, state whether your undecorated flowerpot was bought, repurposed or homemade. State whether your pot is intended for use inside or outdoors.
72 Handicraft WASTE NOT WANT NOT: RAGS — Any item made from rags taken from previously used fabric. Made using any rag rug technique. For example, a rug, wall hanging, cushion, decorative wreath, table mat or table runner, draft excluder, seat pad or bouquet.

Domestic Section

No. Section Description Additional information
Points (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Prizes (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

73 Domestic HEPTATHLON EVENT: BAGUETTE — A crusty white baguette (French stick), at least 30cm long.

74 Domestic PLAIN SCONES — 3 plain scones. A cutter of 5-6cm in diameter should be used.
75 Domestic QUICHES — 2 single- or two-portion quiches, made with a shortcrust pastry. Any filling: meat, vegetarian or vegan. List the main ingredients next to your bake.
76 Domestic NOVICE BAKER: BUTTERFLY CAKES — 4 small sponge cakes baked in paper cake cases. Any flavour of cake and buttercream. Additional decoration allowed. See advice on page (tbc) for further information. Novice Class: Baked by an exhibitor who has never been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Domestic Section at a BGS Show.
77 Domestic BAKE OFF TECHNICAL BAKE: SHORTBREAD — 4 shortbread pieces. Must be made according to the set recipe on page (tbc).
78 Domestic BAKE OFF SIGNTURE BAKE: CARROT CAKE — Any cake containing carrots. Cream cheese icing and decoration optional. List the main ingredients next to your bake.
79 Domestic BAKE OFF SHOWSTOPPER BAKE: DECORATED SWISS ROLL — A single decorative swiss roll for slicing. Filled with any flavour of jam – no cream or buttercream. Your decorative design must be baked within the surface of the sponge. A search of the internet will provide plenty of inspiration.
(Double Place Points)
80 Domestic LOCAL RECIPE: OLDBURY TARTS — 2 single portion gooseberry pies made with a sweet hot water crust pastry. Made with fresh, frozen or tinned gooseberries. See advice on page (tbc) for further information.
81 Domestic FUDGE — 5 squares of fudge of any same flavour.
82 Domestic JAM, SUMMER FRUIT — A jar of jam made from one or more soft fruit(s) and/or stone fruit(s) that are typically harvested in the summer. Jars: 340-454g (12-16oz, approx. 300-400ml). Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different flavour of jam.
83 Domestic JELLY, SUMMER FRUIT — A jar of jelly made from one or more soft fruit(s) and/or stone fruit(s) that are typically harvested in the summer. Jars: 225-454g (8-16oz, approx. 200-400ml). Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different flavour of jelly.
84 Domestic MARMALADE, CITRUS — A jar of marmalade made from any citrus fruit(s) besides oranges. Orange may be included but should not be the predominant citrus flavour. Other non-citrus flavours may be included, for example ginger. No orange marmalade; save this for the Autumn Show. Jars: 340-454g (12-16oz, approx. 300-400ml). Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different flavour of marmalade.
85 Domestic FRUIT SYRUP, SQUASH or CORDIAL — A bottle of syrup, squash or cordial made from any fruit(s). Indicate if dilution is required. (Still or sparkling water.)
86 Domestic BOTTLED FRUIT — A bottle or jar of any fruit, solid packed. Judged without opening. List the main ingredients on the label. Bottles or jars can be any size.
87 Domestic VEGETABLE PICKLE — A jar of any type of vegetable pickle. For example, pickled onions, cabbage, gherkins, beetroot or courgettes. No mustard pickles; save these for the Autumn Show. Jars: up to 910g (2lb, approx. 750ml). Additional entries allowed at 50p each, but each entry must be of a different type of pickled vegetable.
88 Domestic EGGS, CHICKEN — A box of 6 chicken eggs of one colour: white, tinted or brown.
89 Domestic EGGS, OTHER — A box of 6 eggs of one type but not chicken. For example, a matching set of duck, quail, bantam or goose eggs.

Honey Section

No. Section Description Additional information Points
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) Prizes
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
93 Honey ‘BLACK JAR’ OF HONEY — covered and judged solely on taste and smell.
94 Honey NOVICE CLASS: HONEY — 1 jar of any type of honey. Novice Class: Produced by an exhibitor who has never been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a Honey Class at a BGS Show.

95 Honey HEPTATHLON EVENT: GREEK-STYLE ORANGE & HONEY CAKE — Must be made according to the set recipe on page (tbc). Try to use local honey, better still your own. State the origin of your honey next to your exhibit.

Photography Section

No. Section Description Additional information Points
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) Prizes
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
96 Photography WILDFLOWERS — A photograph of one or more wildflowers. Or a close-up photograph of just one part of a wildflower
97 Photography PATHWAYS — A photograph of a path or track.
98 Photography FAMILY PORTRAIT — Full length or head shot. Two or more members of your family or a friend’s family. Pets may be considered as family members; however, your family portrait must include at least one human!

99 Photography HEPTATHLON EVENT: ILLUMINATE — Subject must be illuminated with either natural light or torches/lights. The subject must be lit from one side and may also be backlit. Should you wish, further digital manipulation is allowed.

100 Photography MONO CLASS: FOREST TOWNS & VILLAGES — A photograph taken in the centre of any Forest town or village. Images must be toned in one colour, for example, black through to white or blue through to white.

Children’s Section

No. Section Description Additional information Points
(1st, 2nd, 3rd) Prizes
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
C1 Children TIN CAN HERBS — One or more herbs growing in repurposed containers such as tin cans, large yoghurt pots, ice-cream tubs or plastic milk bottles.
Your herbs must have been grown from seed. You may decorate your repurposed container(s) if you wish. Please be careful – don’t use tins with sharp edges.
C2 Children HOME GROWN FRUIT &/ or VEGETABLES — One or more vegetables, salad or fruit that you have grown yourself.
Display your vegetables whole but make sure that they are clean and remove any scruffy leaves. Leave short stalks attached to beans, peas, tomatoes and fruit. Trim the tops of carrots to 8cm. You may display your vegetable(s) in a basket or box, on a plate or just on the show bench. Please check with a responsible adult before you pick any fruit or vegetables. Rosettes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
C3 Children SUMMER FLOWERS — A jam jar filled with summer flowers and foliage (leaves).
Don’t forget that some garden weeds have beautiful flowers too. Please check with a responsible adult before you pick any flowers. Rosettes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
C4 Children MINIATURE GARDEN — A miniature garden made in a seed tray, baking tray or similar container.
Your garden should be made mainly from natural materials. We would love to see some living plants. Simply design a beautiful garden or, for example, make a garden for fairies or Lego characters. Rosettes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
C5 Children MINI-PIZZAS — A pair of vegetarian mini-pizzas that you have made yourself.
Optional recipe available on our website or from the Show Secretary. You may make the dough for the pizza base yourself or use a shop bought base. Write a label for your pizza telling us what type of toppings and base you have used. Please check with a responsible adult before you start baking. Rosettes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
C6 Children PLANT ART — Art created using real plants. For example, leaf or bark rubbing, leaf or flower bashing, or a collage of pressed flowers.
You may display your art as a picture or turn it into a useful object such as a book cover. Maximum size: 30cm x 42cm. Rosettes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
C7 Children OLYMPIC or PARALYMPIC POSTER — A poster to advertise the Paris 2024 Olympic and/ or Paralympic games.
Your poster may be created using any medium, for example, pencils, paints, felt tip pens, pastels or collage. Even printed digital art is allowed. Maximum size: 30cm x 42cm. Medals: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
C8 Children ANY OTHER CRAFT — Anything that you have built, made or crafted yourself.
This is an opportunity to show off your favourite craft hobby. For example, Lego modelling, knitting, sewing, modelling clay, felting, papier-mâché, papercraft, origami, cross-stitch, crochet, quilling or beading. Maximum size: 50cm x 50cm. Rosettes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
C9 Children PHOTOGRAPHY: CREEPY CRAWLIES — A photograph of one or more creepy crawlies.
For example, a photograph of insects, spiders, centipedes, slugs, snails or worms. Or a close-up photograph of just one part of a creepy crawly. Cropping, straightening, cloning, sharpening and colour enhancement of your image is allowed. Please print your image on photographic paper. Maximum size: 30cm x 21cm. If you need any help printing your photograph, please contact the Show Secretary. Rosettes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd